Multiple time world champion Caio Terra is here to revolutionize your half guard! The half guard is one of the most common positions in jiu-jitsu with a wide variety of options. In 3 detail oriented DVDs, Caio will show you How to get out of bad spots, How to master the underhook and hooks guard, His favorite deep half guard moves, How to master the inverted half guard, His favorite moves from the upside down half guard, The dangerous Terra's guard, and Moves from the 50/50 guard. All techniques are grouped in an easy to understand fashion that leaves you with many options depending on your opponents reaction. Bonus section includes an episode of the popular Jiu-jitsu show Rolled Up with Caio Terra.
111 Half Guard Techniques with Caio Terra
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Multiple time world champion Caio Terra is here to revolutionize your half guard! The half guard is one of the most common positions in jiu-jitsu with a wide variety of options. In 3 detail oriented DVDs, Caio will show you How to get out of bad spots, How to master the underhook and hooks guard, His favorite deep half guard moves, How to master the inverted half guard, His favorite moves from the upside down half guard, The dangerous Terra's guard, and Moves from the 50/50 guard. All techniques are grouped in an easy to understand fashion that leaves you with many options depending on your opponents reaction. Bonus section includes an episode of the popular Jiu-jitsu show Rolled Up with Caio Terra.
Multiple time world champion Caio Terra is here to revolutionize your half guard! The half guard is one of the most common positions in jiu-jitsu with a wide variety of options. In 3 detail oriented DVDs, Caio will show you How to get out of bad spots, How to master the underhook and hooks guard, His favorite deep half guard moves, How to master the inverted half guard, His favorite moves from the upside down half guard, The dangerous Terra's guard, and Moves from the 50/50 guard. All techniques are grouped in an easy to understand fashion that leaves you with many options depending on your opponents reaction. Bonus section includes an episode of the popular Jiu-jitsu show Rolled Up with Caio Terra.
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